Monanix Multivitamin

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Parsley Syrup | পার্সলে 200 মিলি সিরাপ - জ্বর, হেপাটাইটিস এবং শ্লেষ্মা বিকৃতির জন্য প্রাকৃতিক প্রতিকার।



 Junior Monanix Kids Multivitamin | জুনিয়র মনানিক্স - শিশুদের পুষ্টিহীনতা, রক্তস্বল্পতা, পেট ব্যথা, বদহজম এবং ডায়রিয়া মোকাবেলা করতে সহায়ক প্রাকৃতিক ভেষজ সিরাপ।

Junior Monanix


আর-আপেলন সিরাপ ও আর-রেনিভিট ক্যাপসুল কম্বো প্যাক, ক্ষুধাবর্ধক ও হজম সহায়ক

R-Apelon & R-Renivit Combo



7.69% off

Monanix Multivitamin Combo Pack: শিশুর সঠিক শারীরিক এবং মানসিক বৃদ্ধির জন্য প্রয়োজনীয় ভিটামিন এবং মিনারেল সমৃদ্ধ কম্বো প্যাক।

Monanix Multivitamin Combo



16.67% off

Valaria Weight Loss Capsule | ভ্যালারিয়া ইউনানি ঔষধ, ওজন কমাতে সহায়ক, মেদ ও পেটের অতিরিক্ত চর্বি কমিয়ে শরীরকে স্লিম ও স্মার্ট করে।




10.71% off

নিমো ফেসওয়াশ - শুষ্ক বা তৈলাক্ত ত্বকের জন্য উপযুক্ত, যা ব্রণ নিয়ন্ত্রণ করে, ত্বকের দাগ দূর করে এবং ত্বককে মসৃণ ও উজ্জ্বল রাখে। প্রাকৃতিক উপাদানে সমৃদ্ধ, ত্বককে আর্দ্র ও সুস্থ রাখে।

Neemo Face Wash


ডাইক্মুনি ও জাওয়ারিশ কমুনি, প্রাকৃতিক ভেষজ উপাদানসমূহের সমন্বয়ে তৈরি ইউনানি ঔষধ, যা হজম এবং পাকস্থলীর সমস্যা সমাধানে কার্যকর।



নিমো সিরাপ ও ফেইস ওয়াশ কম্বো – ব্রণ, দাগ ও ত্বকের স্বাস্থ্য উন্নত করতে প্রাকৃতিক সমাধান

Neemo Skin Care Combo



14.29% off

আর-মনস (R-Mons) - মহিলাদের প্রজনন সিস্টেমের স্বাস্থ্য উন্নতকারী প্রাকৃতিক ঔষধ, অনিয়মিত ঋতুস্রাব, জরায়ুর প্রদাহ ও ব্যথা উপশমে কার্যকর।




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About Renix Care

Renix Care is a reputed provider of Unani medicine and natural cosmetic products in Bangladesh. We treat various ailments using organic alternative therapies including diabetes, asthma, digestive and skin care, among many others. Quality is host to safe and natural products only. Browse our extensive collections of herbal products as well as organic skin cream for your well being. Begin your healthy living with Renix Care now!

Unani medicine online BD

Renix Care is the largest medicinal Unani medicine Online Shopping site in Bangladesh. Our commitment lies in providing the ancient custom of using natural herbs for healing and restoration of health. The ayurvedic products are carefully Isolating age-old Unani ideas and integrating them within the new organic standards and approach for efficacy and safety.

In Renix Care, our objectives strap oneself with the customers in that there will be dependable organic skin care products and even natural health supplements for the welfare of the clients. To prevent and treat illnesses such as diabetes and dyspepsia or to provide organic skin care products in Bangladesh, we shall serve your health requirements Zodiac. Whatever your Unani medicinal needs are, itius even in today’s age then choose Renix Care where you can find all Unani solutions at your doorstep.

Natural Health Products Online

As we at Renix Care are of the view, any cruelty-free and nature-friendly product will be a basic descriptive model of that will be helpful in the long run. The best part about online nutrition is that one can buy health products naturally with healthy ingredients and none of the unreasonable side effects. The use of Unani medicine for health that we offer is Ready to address underlying problems instead of just symptoms.

Natural and organic products are the best system of healing since they help restore the lost equilibrium in a gentle and yet very efficient manner. These products are ideal for persons looking to be healthy without exposing themselves to harmful chemicals. As stated above, Renix Care is a natural health company that is dedicated to improving your health and well-being with products that give everlasting effects. Read more on the interesting reserved nature of our traditional Unani medicine and observe the transition from conventional treatment to the use of nature.

Unani Medicine and Organic Skin Care

We deal in a wide variety of natural Unani medicines for diabetes, asthma, stomach disorders, and many more. The remedies prepared from extracts of natural materials offer perfect relief without causing any ill side effects.

Organic skin care products are another prized part of our product array. Our very popular pimple removal syrup is very effective against acne and blemishes in one's skin, promoting an even complexion. Respiratory health is cared for through our natural cough syrup, soothing sore throats, allowing one to recover more quickly from coughs and colds.

Renix Care is committed to all-around well-being, focusing on providing natural, safe, and effective herbal products for health and beauty improvements. Come to us for remedies that prioritize your wellness journey!

Your Trusted Source for Unani Medicine and Organic Skin Care Products in Bangladesh

Renix Care is committed to providing the best of Unani medicine and organic skin care products all over Bangladesh. Our commitment is toward healthy living by offering natural health products that are safe, effective, and with a traditional healing touch. We would like to let you lead a healthy life by uplifting your health without side effects of drugs with our extensive array of products for various needs. From herbal solutions against chronic conditions to organic skin care, which nourishes your complexion, Renix Care aids in holistic health. Begin your journey to a fitter life with natural remedies that you can always trust and come closer to the wonders of nature.

Visit Our Unani Medicine Shop: Unani Shop | Diabetes Medicine | Unani Skin Care | Unani Fitness | Weight Gainer Supplement | Unani Vitamins & Supplements








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